So the beginning of every semester we get these bracelets that let us in to I-night, the on campus party. Well one my friends named ryan started this competition with a group people(me included) of who could keep theirs on the longest. So far I am pretty much beating ryan because his is falling off, guess he isn't as gentle as me! Although I am not sure if it is something to be proud of... oh well. Anyway we are to 4 weeks and counting, i'll let you know when I win!!

So another fun thing... I am part of the Devotional Board this semester for SSE and for our training/ get to know you retreat, we went to Big Judds to have the hunger heifer ice cream! Craziness 15 scoops of every ice cream you could want and 5 toppings! They also serve it to you in a Dog bowl... sick!! So we had a competition between our board and the Showcase board to see who could eat it first! We lost... but its all good cause it was so fun!! at least it means we aren't pigs haha!!
things to keep looking for...
>Me and my roommates are going to island park this weekend, so I will be sure to post pictures I am positive that Natalie's cabin is going to be amazing!
>I am in a ski class this semester and I am pretty much amazing, so just wait!
>I am also the enrichment leader in my Relief Society so I will try to keep you updated on how that is going. Our first activity is Wednesday... I'm slightly nervous!!
>The before and after shots of an amazing braces removal... but its up to Dr Strobel!
>and Random pictures from the world of an owner of a mac book!
I bet you guys can't wait!!!
Heart you- Katie!
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