Saturday, October 31, 2009

Best Picture program thus far!!

So I just discovered how cool Picasa is!! I'd heard of it before, but I decided to try it out when I wanted an easier way to blog a mass amount of pictures... So here are a bunch of pictures of Lauren and I from the summer when they were visiting. We used Photo Booth on my Mac and it was a real blast!!
One of the best parts of Picasa is that after you make really easy Collage, you just push the button that says "blog it" and it just puts it on your blog. Oh google... you are just so great!! The other great part is that is works so well with my baby... aka my mac, oh and it does the face recognition thing where it finds all the faces that look alike and tags them together! Plan on seeing many more pictures like this... because its so easy!!
Well I'm still new at this program... but I still recommend it!! What a time saver!!

Playing with Grandpa and Aunt Katie at the Cabin!

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Just saying hello!!

Heres a Vlog (video blog) I took in Logan while on a work trip! It new, and I plan doing more of them!! Enjoy!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just an update

So I'm trying to be more up to date on this thing!
To start out, I am apologizing up front for what may appear to be rambling. Everything may sound odd or strange or random that I write, but with my ADD brain this is all your getting!! If you don't like it, go read someone else's blog!
Anyway I'm still dirt digging at the USDA. We have actually been so bored that some of us have come up with a song while digging. It goes to the tune of Ghost busters,
"When theres something strange in the neighborhood, who you gonna call... dirt scoopers" (usually when saying dirt scoopers I "wix my mords up" and everyone teases me, so thats pretty fun :P)
then the song continues on with that general theme. I don't really remember all the words, because we must have been tired or something when we wrote it. Every verse was followed by hysteric laughing and references to a dragon with little tiny purple wings (only sandy and jordan will ever understand), and it was a good time for all... well most likely not for the other people (not so crazy) around us. That is not the only occurrence of this happening, as the holidays draw nearer we have also been known to put dirt digging lyrics to Christmas songs.
Also at work, there must be some people kissing piggies, because my crew has been pretty small. We usually have a crew of 6 and therefore I have to seat in the front middle of our truck, but I haven't had to sit there for like a whole week. Anyway the swine flu shouldn't be such a big deal, but I sure as heck do not want it!! There is too much going on.
So in case you haven't noticed USDA has become my life. This is only because with the season drawing to a close, we have been working extremely long hours. Last Friday I worked 7am to 6pm. I practically have my 40 by Thursday. Then I get home and have barely enough time to shower and run out the door to whatever I have going on. So if your wondering why I spend so much time talking about it, it is only because that is all I do, not because I am obsessed!! The other week I only had Sunday off!! Talk about a long tiring week!!
So speaking of being busy, it is also Halloween, so I thought I would share a normal week in the life of... well... me silly. It is the Katie Jean update, not the Velma sue update or the whatever to the whatever update.
So this last week we will start with Monday: which of course was FHE with the singles branch, where we went to Leo's place and played laser tag (I was way good at it BTW for the first time in my life) Then Tuesday: I went to a bridal shower for a girl I work with. She is getting married in the Palmyra temple, I am so excited for her!! Then on Wednesday: I usually go Country dancing, but I felt like I was coming down with something so i decided it would be best to stay home! Thursday: There is usually institute but my branch had baptisms instead, and I probably could have gone to both, but we had dinner at the temple at the same time as institute... who would want to miss that. One of the coolest things about the temple, is that the girl that went before me was baptized for a princess... I real live Princess!! It was so cool, it was part of her title. Princess [some name I can't pronounce] of [some place I can't pronounce or remember]!!!! Friday: was so great, me and 9 friends went to the haunted mill to be scared and then to applebees for their half off appetizers!! I wasn't that scared of the mill, but my friend clinging to my arm made the whole night worth it!! She screamed bloody murder at anything that came her way. I'm sure she made the spooks day!
Oh the other great part was the girls behind us, we would go through one particularly scary part and not really scream or anything; but the girls behind us screamed and jumped so much, I actually started clapping for them, and asked for an encore! Then Saturday: was way nice because they told us the day before we would have to work, and then ended up calling us and telling us that it was too wet! Then Sunday(today): I got to church and the power was out in the seminary building, so we all crowded in one classroom that had the most sunlight! Talk about a very cozy and relaxed Sacrament meeting! All in all it was a pretty great week. I wish I had a picture of the week, but sadly I do not, so I will share a blurry picture from September's get connected that showcases one of the lovely Hawaiian shirts we had in a prop box!! Don't worry shoulder pads are included!
Well that is all, if you don't think I'm funny... to bad because I think I am! Have a great day!

Monday, October 12, 2009

its been a while...

So its been a while since I posted anything... so I just thought that I would say whats been going on with me. Its not been an extremely exciting while, but I can at least try.

Well recently I have been obsessed with Zebra patterns, and I get way excited every time I see a zebra object that is cute (Cute being the prime word). So this being said, I bought a new wallet!

Then at Kohls I almost brought a pink zebra shirt that was cute!! But it was just a little too small, therefore it would probably shrink in the wash. So my goal is now to find another pink zebra shirt, so if you see one... let me know!!

Well next topic: Work! I have been working for the USDA for 2 seasons now, and I am working on my 3rd. I claimed that I would never go back... but here I am again digging dirt. So here are some pictures of what goes on!!

Tyvek pants malfunction!! Who knew 2X could be so large!!

Pretty water/canyon/gorge of some sort, near the "garden of eden"... the gas station
Oh so just a work story for you! It was pretty late in the day and we probably should have been done digging for the day, but the bosses decided that we needed dig one more field. So as we were walking out to the field... there was about 11 boys and me going to dig, and a couple of crew leads (watching). I thought I would be funny and run alittle, but while I was running I kicked one guys digger (spade with long rod for handle) out of his hand and stuck into the ground just perfectly that I stepped over it with one foot, but caught it with the other foot. Then before you knew it I was down and all I remember was that I kept falling, I didn't just hit my knees... I made it all the way to almost my head on the ground in a little heap(I might remind you that I was the only girl around many guys watching) but I wasn't on the ground for long, I was up in lighting speed. Everyone was laughing...HARD, and to make even better, when I got up I just kept running. I guess I trying to pretend like it never happened(too bad it really did happen). My friend Adam literally laughed the entire time we were in the field, and part of the way home!! It was pretty bad, but I thought that is was more funny than anything, I didn't get hurt at all... except maybe my pride! >:-)